Love my crazy life

I got letters from Jacob yesterday, not the standard letters, but actual letters! He wrote across the top of one in giant print, “I LOVE YOU!” That made my day! I thought the days of the kids’ scribbles on the refrigerator were over for now, but maybe not. This mama’s heart is happy.

I’ve been cleaning out the garage in preparation for community yard sales, which are coming up. Who knew one family could have accumulated so much unnecessary items. I have promised myself that whatever I place on the sale, and does not sell, will not come back inside! So if you end up at this crazy lady’s yard sale, and don’t like the price of something, make me an offer. Anything we earn will go towards our journey to California to see Jacob graduate from basic training.

Speaking of California, traveling is crazy expensive. We thought we had plenty saved; of course, we don’t. Why is saving money so hard? Two years ago, things weren’t so bad, and saving was more manageable, but then inflation came along and said, “Girl, you’re poor, start acting like it!” I better stop there before I get all political and stuff! Ugh!

Our Omaha boys will be down to visit this weekend. I can’t wait for a little more activity in the house. It’s always too quiet around here, and it drives me nuts. Also, it will be nice to have someone else for the kitty to pester besides me. She thinks I should be sitting all day so that she can sleep on my lap.

That’s all I got for this week, well, all that can be written in the newspaper! LOL! Have a great week! X’s & O’s.


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