
September harvest? ? ?

Most years, the fall harvest didn’t start until the very end of September, most likely in October. However, 2022 may be remembered for how dry it was and how early the harvest began.

For a couple weeks we have been watching corn being cut for silage. That is not all that unusual, however, how much and how early is a bit unusual.

The pasture ponds are drying, the Little Blue River has no water and the Republican River has little water.

2022 in rural south central Nebraska will be remembered as a dry year.


Do you remember?

A short time ago when the national media (including the Democratic Party) was going wild with predictions the world was going to Hell in a Hand Basket. The reason being a good number of our American states were passing laws changing how their election was going to be run.

President Biden included, they warned about “voter suppression bills” that they said “attacks the sacred right to vote.”

There was plenty of media coverage as the states enacted laws, and the media predicted low voter numbers as the changes would limit access to voters.

Have you heard much of anything lately about all these changes?

Well, Mr. Fred Lucas just finished a survey of the primary elections for printing in the “Daily Signal,” a publication of the Heritage Foundation. In the report it points out the following:

In 2021 19 states enacted changes in election laws. The Democrats and the media mostly attacked changes in five states: Georgia, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Iowa. The outcome:

Florida: Their August primary saw voter turnout go up slightly. Voter turnout was expected to be lower because both parties had major competitive primaries in 2018 and only Democrats had state primaries this year. The new laws are still working their way through the courts. Most of Florida’s law was kept in place by courts pending the resolution of lawsuits.

Iowa: “This law is nothing less than voter suppression, pure and simple,” an ACLU leader said. However, Iowa logged its second highest primary turnout on record in June with 356,000 voters. The 2022 turnout marked a 123 percent increase from 2018.

Texas held its primary election in March, one of the year’s earliest. Turnout was 3,000,000 ballots cast, up from the 2018 primary turnout of 2,600,000 ballots cast.

Texas election officials did reject about 18,000 mail-in ballots for failing to meet the new voter ID requirements. However, the state took action to educate voters on how to add an ID number to an absentee ballot in subsequent runoffs and special elections after the initial primary.

Georgia: Biden’s comment on the Georgia voting law: “It makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle.” (I’m not sure what that means, but it was a compliment to the new law.)

Turnout for this year’s May primary in Georgia hit a record high with about 850,000 ballots cast – a 168 percent increase from the 2018 primary.

Arizona: In August 2022, Arizona notched a record for high turnout in a primary election as 1.45 million voters participated, surpassing the previous record in a 2000 primary by 7,000 votes.

Our national media has not reported on how the election law changes “suppressed” voter turnout because there hasn’t been any voter suppression. However, they also did not report the increase in voter turnout.

I can remember not too many years ago a conversation with the Nuckolls County Clerk. The talk was about the problems she was having trying to remove “dead” voters from the Registration Rolls.

What brought this up was an article I read concerning the State of Michigan’s efforts to keep dead people on voter rolls.

It seems that in 2020, the ‘Public Interest Legal Foundation’ filed a law suit to remove almost 26,000 dead voters. Michigan’s Secretary of State refused and a federal court agreed with her.

Of those 26,000 Michigan residents, 23,663 had been dead for at least five years, 17,479 had been dead for at least a decade and 3,956 had been dead for at least two decades, yet they were still listed as registered voters in the state.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation had compared the names of registered voters with the Social Security Administration’s Death Index and “matched full names, full dates of birth, Social Security Numbers and credit address history information.”

Still, the Michigan Secretary of State refused to authorize the removal of names.

The law suit to have the names removed is still in the court so there is still hope the names will be removed. However, to me this is just another little example of what a Socialistic society would look like. One person, in one position preventing the honest and efficient process of government.



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