Love my crazy life

Another crazy week for the books! Robert headed back to base on Saturday, and the house is back to that weird quiet again. During his visit home, Robert bought a fog machine for our Halloween decorations. It sounded cool, but I don’t think he was impressed with it. Most of our trick-or-treaters enjoyed it, but a few little ones were scared of it.

We only have 16 days until we head to sunny California to see Jacob graduate. I am so nervous. I flew once when I was young, and all I remember of the experience was the clouds. Airports are nothing new to me, and I’ve had plenty of time in them, seeing the hubby off or picking him up. Being on the traveling end this time will be a whole new world.

The thing that has me the most nervous about traveling is my diet. Eating out is so complicated that I often travel with food, and I don’t think they will allow my lunch box on the plane. It won’t kill me if I eat something I shouldn’t, but it will make me miserable. I don’t want to be sick on this trip. Jacob’s first recruiter is stationed there and will pick us up from the airport. I don’t know who is more excited, him or me. LOL!

I feel like a bad mom. Many parents in Jacob’s company’s group purchased crucible candles to burn while their boys went through their final test. I did not, and I also didn’t buy a banner or fancy MIKE company t-shirts or dinner tickets to the Meet and Great dinner for Wednesday evening. I felt like airplane tickets were a big enough expense. X’s & O’s.


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