
Just as Christmas is not “just a day,” Thanksgiving is also not “just a day.”

You may think this opinion is a day, or two, late, but I think it is never too late to say “Thank You.”

For the Thanksgiving holiday many families take time for each to say “Thank You” for whatever is most important to them. To do so, is a good practice, but we’ve just never got around to doing that.

We try to attend a morning Mass that day and use the day to thank God for all of his many blessings.

“If” I were asked to give a single thing I’m most grateful for, I would respond with the following without going into anything religious.

I would say: “I’m most thankful for being born in, and living my life in the United States of America.”

There is a lot that goes into those few words.

First off, in today’s politically charged society we live in, we have to realize certain things.

The U. S. A. is not perfect. . . I think we all realize that. However, over our approximately 250 years as a nation we have continually tried to reduce our shortcomings and improved our blessings.

Society has to realize that our efforts cannot always be done overnight. Herein lies a major problem for many. Liberals (Democrats) seem to think change can (and should) take place immediately. However, most of their suggestions cannot be done overnight and are often wrong to start with. I’m not sure what examples best show their wrong approach to solutions.

No. 1: For 60 years we’ve been killing babies because additional babies in a family might cause hardships: cost more to feed and care for them; might interfere with the mother’s career outside of the home; causes ‘over-population’ of the plant; etc.

Liberals’ solution was abortion, the intentional killing of unborn humans.

Conservatives (mostly Republicans) have followed thousands of years of history in not changing laws to allow this killing of unborn humans. They have spent a great deal of time and money in offering health care for women expecting a baby. They have promoted adoption of children, rather than the killing of children. They have opted to assist families dealing with new children or sick children.

No. 2: Discrimination . . . Historically, this sin was in connection to the color of a person’s skin, or place of birth. In recent years, it also includes homosexuals.

Liberals respond with protests that usually end in riots and looting in their effort to end discrimination. They fight homosexual discrimination by simply trying to change laws telling us that there are more than just two genders of humans in the world. There are male and female and __________ (something else that we can all change whenever we wish to).

Conservatives take a slower approach, usually changing thing through laws. For example the discrimination again women in school sports has pretty much gone away with the plethora of women’s sports in schools.

Some situations are harder to change than others, but most often a problem cannot be solved with another problem. (i. e.: the killing of millions of people via abortion has not solved the problems those killings were intended to solve any more than Hitler’s killing of millions of people provided him with a ‘Master Race’).

Liberals seem to want what they call a perfect society where pain and want do not exist. I think that God put us into this world with problems to solve and “earn” that perfect society in the life to come. That can best be done through education and example.

Liberals seem good at identifying problems in society, but not so very good at coming up with solutions to solve those problems. Conservatives have to realize that we do not live in a perfect society and some changes are needed over time.

Yes, the U. S. A. is not perfect, but it is about the only nation that set aside a day of Thanksgiving to the almighty God for the blessings we did receive. The statement of being thankful for being born in America involves so many ideas we do not have space, nor time, to include everything. Just that simple idea means a lot to me.


Problem solved . . .

Years of seeing the Cornhusker Football producing more football game losses than victories are over folks. We have now hired a football coach that will cure all your sadness.

No . . . wait . . haven’t we heard that somewhere before.

Ya, about five years ago and then about ten years ago and a few more times before that.

Sooner or later it’s going to happen. Maybe this is the year.

I was not thrilled when Scott Frost was hired. At the time I contended he was just too young.

Mickey Joseph did a good job for being put in the position he was. I would have liked to see him given the chance to coach for a full season.

I know absolutely nothing about the new coach except for what the Nebraska media is telling me. I suspect maybe not all of our problems are solved, but I give the new coach all my support.

I really enjoyed last Friday with Nebraska’s victory over Iowa. It was another item I put in my “Thankful” prayers.




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