St. Peter Deshler LWML will host Spring Workshop Saturday

St. Peter Lutheran, Deshler, will host the LWML Deshler Zone Spring Workshop on Saturday. The workshop will be held at Deshler Lutheran School, 509 E Hebron Ave in Deshler. Registration begins at 8:45 a.m. with the workshop beginning at 9:00 a.m.

All women and girls are joyfully invited to a morning filled with spiritual growth, singing, servant events, food, fellowship and fun. The theme for the morning is “Walk Me Home”; the theme verse is Hebrews 2:12a “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” Pastor Brian Francik (St. Peter, Deshler) will lead the opening devotion, and Pastor Glen Emery (Deshler Zone Pastoral Counselor from Grace, Fairbury) will lead the Bible study.

Three servant events will be offered: (1) Cards-Projects to Serve a Neighbor; (2) Scavenger Hunt (prizes awarded); (3) Britches for Boys Project.

Ingathering items requested for the day are clean and wearable shoes (for women, men and children). The shoes will go to Orphan Grain Train. The offering will go to OGT for shipping expenses.

Women of all ages are most welcome to attend.


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