4-H members shine at Post Rock District 4-H Days

4-H members tested their talents and communications skills in front of audiences at Post Rock District 4-H Day events in Beloit and Osborne. Ninety-six youth practiced public speaking, presentation, demonstration, music and dance skills. Risa Overmiller, Post Rock 4-H program coordinator, shared, "4-H is a great way for youth to learn to speak in front of adults and peers with ease."

Youth showcased their talents in front of adult judges who provided expert feedback to help youth learn how to perform better in public. Nora Rhoades, Post Rock District 4-H agent, stated, "4-H members are building confidence to be effective communicators whether it be in front of a crowd or in small groups and teams. It is exciting to watch our youth interact with the judges at 4-H Day about effective communication strategies. When someone is able to clearly organize and present ideas, they'll be more successful at work, in school, as a community volunteer and active citizen."

According to Kansas 4-H, "Members have been learning to speak skillfully before an audience for more than 100 years. It is often one of the things people say they most remember about their 4-H experiences – before participating in 4-H, they could not speak comfortably in front of an audience."

"4-H Day is a great opportunity for members from across the district to get together for a fun, learning event," said Tonia Underwood, 4-H program coordinator. Kim Naber, 4-H program coordinator, added, "Friends and family of 4-H participants attending as spectators were able to observe the amazing communication skills and talents of our Post Rock District 4-H youth."

Kansas 4-H has more than 36 project areas, so individual youth can find their spark and learn how to excel in that area. If interested in joining Post Rock District 4-H, contact your local Extension office at 785-378-3174.

Jewell County 4-H members, club, presentation, placings and location:

Bradley Bledsoe - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

Haylee Bledsoe - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

McKenzy Bledsoe - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

Jayce Cady - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

Jeanna Cady - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

Jillyan Cady - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

Waysen Colson - Mankato Eager Beaver, intermediate project talk, blue, Osborne

Waysen Colson - Mankato Eager Beaver, intermediate reading, blue, Osborne

Devyn Frost - Mankato Eager Beaver, junior demonstration, blue, Osborne

Devyn Frost - Mankato Eager Beaver, junior reading, blue, Osborne

Whitley Frost - Mankato Eager Beaver, senior illustrated talk, outstanding presentation sensation, Osborne

Harlee Harris - Mankato Eager Beaver, intermediate project talk, blue, Beloit

Isaac Nelson - Webber Wide Awake, junior demonstrations, blue, Beloit

Nelson Underwood - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

Nelson Underwood - Prairie Shooters, spontaneous speaking, blue, Beloit

Claire Walker - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

Claire Walker- Prairie Shooters, junior instrumental solos, outstanding presentation sensation, Beloit

Lily Walker - Prairie Shooters, skit group, blue, Beloit

Lily Walker - Prairie Shooters, intermediate instrumental solos, outstanding presentation sensation, Beloit

Lenden Worm - Webber Wide Awake, senior demonstrations, outstanding presentation sensation, Beloit


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