
Memories . . .

With the Lawrence community working to replace a much needed place for community events, every so often I get comments about what all happened in the Lawrence American Legion Hall over the years. It seems that most memorable moments come from early in life, and not as many later in life.

For me, that time period came about during the mid-twentieth century, 1950, ‘give or take’ a number of years.

A person has to remember the culture of the time as well. It was a time that we were all recovering from the Second World War, and/or fighting in the Korean War and getting ready for the Vietnam War.

Lawrence had a good number of men that served in the military and came home as respected veterans and these veterans mostly assisted the American Legion to serve the community in many different ways.

In today’s world the number of military veterans in the Lawrence area (in mostly rural areas across the nation) is declining rapidly. Not because veterans of today don’t believe in the American Legion’s goals, but because there are just so many fewer veterans in rural areas that there were 70 years ago. All of our WWII veterans have passed, Korean War veterans are very few, or have passed and Vietnam veterans are not young either.

The reasons to build a new community center in Lawrence have been spelled out in a number of ways. The current American Legion Hall is in need of serious repair if it were to be a continued piece of the community. However, those involved know the building is in need of serious repair if it was to be kept.

Most people involved realize it is too small for so many of the desired uses of today. They know trying to maintain it is something like throwing good money into a ‘money pit,’ as someone put it. They know that a new facility can offer additional features for the community. Things like P. E. facilities, larger rooms for community and family get-togethers, and an unspoken feature in showing the “pride” community residents have in their home.

One item some folks don’t realize is that, although the American Legion has played a big part in the present effort to raise funds for the new building, the building itself, will be the property of the village. All the American Legion wants is a place to hold their equipment and a place to have meetings.

That’s the reason I started out with ‘memories.’ So many people remember the American Legion and all it has done for the community over the years from “the way it was.”

Those days are dwindling and it’s not too many years away that the Legion organization in Lawrence will be dependent on “The Sons of the American Legion” and maybe others to carry on its programs.

Yes, the fund raising effort has been going on for quite a while now, I hope you do not grow weary of the effort. I hope you may somehow be able to contribute to this effort again, and again, etc.


As I started out with memories, I have enjoyed all the different stories I have heard over these recent years. However, one story I just recently remembered was the monthly American Legion Auxiliary Bridge Tournaments.

No, I never was involved in participating in any of those tournaments, but as a young “Printer’s Devil” at the Locomotive office, I had to remember to advertise the event every month. Nobody ever told me to do it, I just did it the week of the event so the women about the area knew it was going to take place.

The culture difference I mentioned about for the mid -1950s had few of the wives of veterans working outside of their homes and this monthly event was popular and enjoyed by many of the women.

Today, in 2023, besides this card tournament being open to ‘all’ women, so many women today work outside of their homes and do not have the free time.

Things change over 70 years and our memories today are not as good as they were 70 years ago.


I recently came across the following two quotes I saved from some time ago. I’ve been looking for a good time to use them and this might be the time as they are both from that mid-1950s era. They do, however, pertain to today’s political climate.

The first quote is from Pope Pius XII, written in 1957 or 1958. It is as true today as all those years ago:

“The sin of the century is the loss of the sense of sin.”

In today’s world some want us to believe that it is OK to kill people as long as they are unborn, or the old or sick via euthanasia or others want us to believe it is OK to believe there are more than two genders: male, female and ? ? ?

How can a person not think of those actions as “no sin?”

The second quote is a bit longer and comes from President Harry Truman, written in 1949. Read the first and third paragraphs carefully as it seems to describe the Liberals of today, so many years later.

“Communism is based on the belief that man is so weak and inadequate that he is unable to govern himself, and therefore requires the rule of strong masters.”

“Democracy is based on the conviction that man has the moral and intellectual capacity, as well as the inalienable right, to govern himself with reason and fairness.”

“Communism subjects the individual to arrest without lawful cause, punishment without trial, and forced labor as the chattel of the state. It decrees what information he shall receive, what he shall produce, what leaders he shall follow, and what thoughts he shall think.”

“Democracy maintains that government is established for the benefit of the individual, and is charged with the responsibility of protecting the rights of the individual and the freedom in the exercise of those abilities.”

Gosh . . . remember, the memories of yesterday are just as important today as the day they were made. Liberalism and Communism didn’t just appear today. The fact that they are still around some 70 years later just proves that we always need a watchful eye on the political culture we live in . . . 2023 or 1950.

Memories are not made by themselves. Those memories you have, or those of your parents, concerning the Lawrence American Legion were made by those willing to contribute to the cause, whatever it was.

Today, we need people to stand up and contribute to the building fund for the Lawrence Community Building. Memories are waiting to be made.

Donations of any size are acceptable. Please talk to any of the folks on the committee. Any, and all, will be glad to help you with your donations.



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