Love my crazy life

I thought I was done with the doctor for a while, but unfortunately, I am not. I went to see my doctor. She sent me to see radiology and from there to a surgeon. Now I am scheduled for another procedure completely unrelated to the reason I went to see them in the first place. After inspecting the area I was there for, she gave me and my chart a quick look over, and decided we needed to have a look down my throat and into my stomach and beyond. Yay, me! No worries though, I get to see yet another doctor for the issue that took me in to see a doctor in the first place. I don’t know how I get so lucky!

Mom and I were talking the other day and she said to me, when did all our conversations become about doctor visits? It’s true though, that’s about all we talk about anymore, mostly how to schedule them around my jobs, and she reminding me she has appointments coming up. One thing I find a little funny, and yes I know, I have a weird sense of humor, but they are going to have a look down her throat just a couple of weeks before they check mine out. If her’s doesn’t go over well, they sure aren’t doing mine!

Today I had the pleasure of emptying stinky gross water from one of the big trash cans that sits out front of the pool house. It wouldn’t have been so bad had it not been full of trash. Just another day in the glamorous life of a pool manager.

Speaking of glamorous, my skin is so dry I’m beginning to look like the old saddle with the broken tree that sat in the back of the tack room for ages! I’ve tried every moisturizer available, and I’m starting to wonder if saddle soap would help!

Normally by now, George would have the air conditioning blasting at meat locker temperatures, but for some reason, he decided this year he would try to acclimate himself to the warmer weather. I am proud of him for doing so, and thankful as well, because I don’t like the cold! I honestly feel like it’s been a little cooler than normal this year, which is nice unless you’re cleaning a pool! LOL! Thankfully with the help of a few fans, I have been able to keep the house comfortable on the warmer days, and I have way more hoodies than I need to keep warm after cleaning the pool. Pray for rain, we still need it! X’s & O’s


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