Love my crazy life

What a crummy week I’ve had. It all started last Wednesday after picking up my deliveries. A mile and a half south of Nelson, my car broke down. Our family car has never given us any problems, never even a check engine light, so it was a big surprise when it started acting funny and the oil light came on. I pulled her over, popped the hood and checked the oil. Sure enough, the oil had antifreeze in it. After a lot of back and forth, we decided it’s not worth it for us to have it fixed, since it has such high mileage. We figure if we have the engine rebuilt or purchase a new one, it would only be a matter of time before the transmission goes.

So we decided to have the Mini Cooper fixed, but in the meantime, I’m on foot until the mechanic can get it in. I’m hoping they have fewer issues with it than George had and can find the problem quickly. I don’t like being without a vehicle, and I don’t like having to ask my mom to take me places as her car doesn’t need any more miles on it either.

On Thursday, Mom had an appointment in Hastings, so we took her car. She had an adverse reaction to the medication they gave her, and on Friday evening she wound up in the hospital. She was able to come home that night, and is doing better, but it still gave me quite a scare.

Then on Saturday, I went to do my daily exercise and the treadmill wouldn’t work. That’s when I about lost it. I mean enough is enough. We purchased it second-hand when the last used one quit working. My workout is so important, I can barely move without it, and the treadmill is quite important, so I was almost in tears. Thankfully it was just a slipped belt and George got it working again. While getting the belt tight, one of the cheap plastic pieces broke off the motor. It is a necessary part too, but a little electrical tape fixed it right up for now.

Thankfully, Sunday went by without incident, but on Monday Duke found his way outside of the fence. He was being a pain and chasing the cat. I put him outside before the two of them destroyed the house. When I went to let him back in, he wasn’t there and I about panicked. Thankfully I found him walking down the alley and he came back to me after a little coaxing. I found where he was getting out and we plan to fix it this weekend, so until then I have to put him out on a lead. He hates that and isn’t able to run off any energy. So he runs it off in the house! Last night he ran from the kitchen to the dining room to the family room and bounced himself off the couch, then back around the table and into the kitchen. Then back around the dining room table off the couch and so on. When I finally got him to stop I think the couch had moved at least 3 feet, it’s a big U-shaped sectional so if you can imagine he was using it like the high curve on the racetrack. I holler at the kids when they plop on it and here the dog is using it as a launch pad.

Thankfully this week the sun is shining and the snow is melting. It’s a mucky mess, but I’m happy for the change of pace. It’s nice to be able to sit on the patio a bit and soak up the rays. Here’s to a better week, X’s & O’s.


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