P.E.O. Chapter J learns about heart disease prevention

Chapter J members met at the home of Deb Troudt on Feb. 26, with Mary Roberts serving as co-hostess. During the regular business meeting, President Sue VanSkiver read her proposed letter to the State PEO organization and to non-resident members outlining Chapter J’s activities throughout the year. Members were astonished to realize the number of philanthropic, community oriented and educational opportunities presented throughout the year. Other business items included preliminary steps to award a local scholarship and increasing the number of younger members.

The program was given by Carol Eckles and included an explanation of the cardiovascular system including illustrations. Strategies to prevent heart disease were detailed. While some risk factors such as family history and age can’t be changed, there are other steps to lower your risk. These include: abstaining from tobacco, regular exercise, healthy diet, weight control, sufficient sleep, managing stress (a tough one), regular health screening and taking steps to prevent infections.

The next regular meeting will be Monday, March 25, with Diane Wehrman hostess and Connie Porter co-hostess. Business will be the nomination, election and installation of officers and electing delegate and alternate to state convention. Deb Troudt will give the program on Stars in Our Midst which will feature chocolate stars.


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