Articles written by Deanna Tuttle

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 36

  • P.E.O. Chapter J learns healthy eating habits

    DeAnna Tuttle|Jul 25, 2024

    P.E.O. Chapter J held their regular business meeting at the home of Connie Porter on July 8. Following the regular meeting, hostess Connie served a variety of low carb foods and gave a synopsis of how diet can be used to lower the A1C of those with diabetic and pre-diabetic conditions. She also provided a sample test for members to guess which foods had the higher carbohydrate content. There were no high scorers on the test and all were astounded to learn the high carb content of many foods they considered to be healthy choices. In addition,...

  • Ladies enjoy picnic and games in the park

    DeAnna Tuttle|Jun 27, 2024

    The weather started out questionable on Thursday, June 19 but turned into a lovely evening for the supper and bingo in the park hosted by the women of Salem Lutheran Church. Devotions following the light supper focused on how God blessed us with a wonderous earth and intends for us to not only be thankful for, but also to nurture and enjoy His beautiful creation. Game rules allowed for winners to steal prizes from previous winners and this made for some light-hearted rivalry. As with all games of chance, not everyone is a lucky winner, but...

  • Legion Family meets; Plans events, elect officers

    DeAnna Tuttle|Jun 20, 2024

    The regular monthly meeting of the Nelson American Legion was held at 7 p.m., on Thursday in the Post 187 meeting room. During the joint meeting, the group reviewed the Memorial Day activities and planned for the upcoming flag disposal ceremony which will be held during the community 4th of July celebration. The ceremony will be held at 6 p.m., on July 5, on the south side of the legion building. A reminder that the state convention will be held in Kearney June 21 through 23 and all are invited to attend. Legion and Auxiliary members will also...

  • PEO Chapter J highlights membership

    DeAnna Tuttle|May 23, 2024

    PEO Chapter J met on May 13 at the home of Cindy Adamson with Karen Thayer serving as co-hostess. President Carol Eckles opened the business meeting which focused on placing additional memorial markers at the Nelson cemetery for the recently departed active members and inactive members who had enjoyed long-term membership prior to incapacity. Carol also asked for input from those present on by-law changes that she will be voting on during the state convention in June. The program focusing on membership was led by DeAnna Tuttle and began with a...

  • Rubies enjoy outing to Hastings

    DeAnna Tuttle|May 23, 2024

    Thirteen was a lucky number for the 13 Rubies who traveled to Hastings on Thursday. Barb McCartney, Jaynie Spirk, Lois Hamel, Pat Drexel, Trish Rasmussen, Charlene Schultz, Donna Gillan, Brenda Lynch, Evie Olson, Carla Jeardoe, Sally Uhrmacher, Marcia Buresh and DeAnna Tuttle had lunch in an island-like setting before going antiquing. While everyone agreed they needed to subtract from instead of add to the items in their homes, it was interesting to see items recalled from childhood years on...

  • Salem Women host supper and informational program

    DeAnna Tuttle|May 2, 2024

    In a departure from normal quarterly meetings held by the women of Salem Lutheran Church, gentlemen were included as well as both ladies and gentlemen from other area churches. The group was treated to a light supper after which a short devotion focused on scriptures related to being prepared was given. John Price, Jr. was introduced as speaker for the evening. John’s program on Preparedness and Preplanning related the importance of family members being made aware of preferences and outlined the many types of preplanning services and types o...

  • Rubies get ready for spring

    DeAnna Tuttle|May 2, 2024

    The Nelson Rubies planning team of Jodene Clabaugh, Carla Jeardoe, Sue Burge, Marcia Buresh, Mickey Vork and Karen Thayer picked Wednesday, April 17, for an outing which turned out to be a day of perfect Nebraska weather. The group traveled to Deshler for lunch and then on to a local nursery to select plants to beautify their homes and gardens. While everyone was excited about the prospect of digging in the dirt the following day, alas, a cold and dreary Nebraska day followed the sunshine and made everyone lay down their trowels for a few...

  • PEO Chapter J elects officers

    DeAnna Tuttle|Apr 18, 2024

    Election of PEO Chapter J officers for 2024-2025 was held on March 25 at the home of Diane Wehrman with Connie Porter serving as co-hostess. 2024-25 officers are: Carol Eckles, president; Sue VanSkiver, vice president; Jaynie Spirk, recording secretary; Cindy Adamson, chaplain; Diane Wehrman, guard; Tami Sharp, corresponding secretary; and Deb Troudt, treasurer. Following the installation of the new officers, Deb Troudt's program detailed the process of harvesting cocoa beans and processing...

  • Nelson Rubies enjoy lunch and games

    DeAnna Tuttle|Apr 4, 2024

    Twenty Nelson Rubies gathered for lunch and games at a local cafe on March 27. Event planners Jodene Clabaugh, Carla Jeardoe, Marcia Buresh, Mickey Vork and Karen Thayer came up with an updated version of a true or false quiz titled ‘Truth or Baloney” with the winner’s prize being, you guessed it, a package of bologna. The April outing will be held on the 17th and will include visits to Deshler area lunch and garden venues....

  • St. Patrick's Day at the American Legion

    DeAnna Tuttle|Mar 21, 2024

    The St. Patrick's Day supper at the Nelson American Legion, sponsored by the Legion Auxiliary, drew a bigger crowd than was expected and the food ran out before all hungry patrons were served. Auxiliary members were pleased with the response and will plan to hold the event again next year and to cook more corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. Dinner rolls and a variety of yummy desserts decorated in green were also included in the meal....

  • Ladies from Salem join others for Spring Gathering

    DeAnna Tuttle|Mar 14, 2024

    By DeAnna Tuttle Deb Troudt, Cheryl Mohler, Lexie Frahm, Murlene Schleufer and DeAnna Tuttle attended the Spring Gathering of the Women of the ELCA Southern Prairie Cluster held at Bethany Lutheran Church in Ruskin on Saturday. Ann Schultz and Teresa Christensen, conference coordinators, along with a planning committee carried out the Gathering Theme utilized throughout the State “Open Our Hearts – Listen, Be Kind, Pray.” Activities of the day included a hymn sing, devotions, explanation of the School Back Pack Program by Sarah Fuller from...

  • Nelson American Legion holds special meeting

    DeAnna Tuttle|Mar 14, 2024

    By DeAnna Tuttle While it is unusual for the Nelson Legion Family to meet twice in a month, items of interest to the Nelson Community required consideration before the next monthly meeting. Girls’ State and Boy’s State nominations were due to the department office on March 1 and March 15 respectively. It was necessary to finalize selections of those to represent Lawrence-Nelson Schools. Watch for the official announcement of the special young people chosen. Legionnaires continued with discussion on clubhouse requirements and increasing act...

  • P.E.O. Chapter J learns about heart disease prevention

    DeAnna Tuttle|Mar 7, 2024

    Chapter J members met at the home of Deb Troudt on Feb. 26, with Mary Roberts serving as co-hostess. During the regular business meeting, President Sue VanSkiver read her proposed letter to the State PEO organization and to non-resident members outlining Chapter J’s activities throughout the year. Members were astonished to realize the number of philanthropic, community oriented and educational opportunities presented throughout the year. Other business items included preliminary steps to award a local scholarship and increasing the number o...

  • Nelson Rubies celebrate Valentine's Day

    DeAnna Tuttle|Feb 22, 2024

    Twenty-nine Rubies decked in red and white and in festive moods invaded a local café to celebrate their friendship on Valentine’s Day. Event planners, Terri Oltmans, Carol Eckles, Karen Harrington, Ruth Epley, Barb McCartney and Evie Olson coordinated to provide a fun event complete with quizzes on Valentine history and random questions on items that are traditionally red in color. No one answered all questions correctly but of course some did better than others and were rewarded appropriately. Café owners provided holiday décor and trea...

  • Nelson hosts American Legion District 10 Convention

    DeAnna Tuttle|Feb 15, 2024

    Legionnaires, Sons of the American Legion, Legion Riders, and American Legion Auxiliary members from all eight counties in the district along with department representatives gathered in Nelson on Saturday, to conduct the business of the district, hear from department officers and guest speakers, conduct ceremonials and elect officers for the upcoming Legion year. During the joint session the POW-MIA Empty Chair and Post Everlasting Memorial ceremonies were conducted by District Chaplain Roger...

  • Marlin Cox receives Quilt of Valor

    DeAnna Tuttle|Feb 8, 2024

    Nelson Post 187 Legionnaires Chuck Tuttle, Vince Walton, Max VanSkiver; Auxiliary members DeAnna Tuttle and Donna Cox (Marlin's wife), quilt creator Barb Harris-Sole, and members from the Deshler Legion Post, along with Parkview Haven staff, participated in a presentation ceremony honoring Veteran Marlin Cox held at Parkview Haven in Deshler. The ceremony explains that the quilt brings a 3-part message: honor, freedom and comfort. Each stitch represents the love and gratitude of the maker and...

  • Weather upsets legion meeting schedule

    DeAnna Tuttle|Jan 25, 2024

    The Nelson Unit 187 American Legion Family normally meets on the second Thursday of every month but the extreme weather conditions on Jan. 11, made it necessary to postpone until the following Thursday, Jan. 18. Since temperatures were extremely cold that night, many did not leave the safety of their home but eight brave souls, four legionnaires and four auxiliary members, ventured out and to the clubhouse to continue making plans for the District 10 Convention that will be held in Nelson on Saturday, Feb. 10. The February meeting date will be...

  • Salem Women celebrate Epiphany

    DeAnna Tuttle|Jan 11, 2024

    The Ladies of Salem Lutheran Church enjoyed a soup supper plus trimmings and fabulous desserts on Wednesday, Jan. 3, in observance of the Jan. 6 day of Epiphany. This day also marks the day the Wise Men, known as Magi, completed their journey to honor the Christ Child and present their gifts. During the business meeting following supper, the following officers were installed for the 2024 year: DeAnna Tuttle, president; Lexie Frahm, vice-president; Murlene Schleufer, secretary; and Diane Gebers, secretary. The group also approved donations to...

  • Cookie Monster banned from Nelson Legion

    DeAnna Tuttle|Dec 20, 2023

    Thursday, Dec. 14, was a special night as the Legion Family gathered to assemble plates of cookies that included goodies provided by members. The plates, along with holiday greetings, were delivered to older community members and residents of local long term care facilities and brought many smiles and words of thanks from the recipients. The only problem encountered was that several cookie monsters in the form of Legion members attempted to sabotage the assembly line by stealing a cookie when they thought no one would notice! Short business...

  • Rubies enjoy Holiday Gathering

    DeAnna Tuttle|Dec 14, 2023

    The Nelson Rubies got together in the Legion meeting room Thursday, Dec. 7 for an afternoon of crafts, refreshments and a fun random gift exchange. Janice Watts gave a demonstration on decorating bars of soap and even the professed non-artisans were able to create their own useable masterpiece. Teresa Walton showed the group how to paint poinsettias on fabric, wood and other materials. Because of the time needed to draw, paint, emblazon and dry the items it was decided to wait until the...

  • Rubies enjoy pre Thanksgiving outing

    DeAnna Tuttle|Nov 30, 2023

    Saturday, Nov. 18 was a lovely sunny day for the Nelson Rubies to trek to Davenport for lunch and to attend the opening of the Homegrown Craft and Vendor venue. Part of the Homegrown experience was to ride in a carriage pulled by a patient and beautiful black horse. A large garage sale featuring a number of retro and antique items was located in the area and became a drawing card for several of the Rubies also. The December Ruby event will be held in the afternoon on the 7th at the Nelson American Legion Clubhouse and will offer an opportunity...

  • Open letter to all

    DeAnna Tuttle|Nov 23, 2023

    Today was a truly heartwarming day for me and I want to share with you the inspiring actions of young people I witnessed. After a church service that included many messages of thanksgiving, hubby and I motored to Hastings for lunch and to pick up a few needed items. Two young men, probably in their very early 20s, were seated across from us at lunch, and I could not help but overhear a portion of their conversation. One young man was recounting that he had changed his lifestyle and did not connect with many of his old friends, but that he...

  • American Legion plans Veterans Day activities

    DeAnna Tuttle|Nov 9, 2023

    In honor of veterans and active military service members, Nelson American Legion Post 187 will be raising American Flags at the Nuckolls County Courthouse on Saturday, November 11. Community members are also moved by and respectful of the flag display at the Veterans Plaza. Veterans, their families and friends, will be served dinner at the Legion Club at 6 p.m. on Nov. 11, followed by a program including a presentation by the Rev. Jose Flores. Those who were present at last year’s program have indicated they are anxious to hear the c...

  • Chapter J learns national news plus crockpot cooking

    DeAnna Tuttle|Nov 2, 2023

    P.E.O. Chapter J met Monday, Oct. 23, at the home of Cindy Adamson with Sandra Sterkel serving as co-hostess. Included in the regular business meeting was a report from President Sue VanSkiver on sessions she attended at the national convention held in Philadelphia. Of particular interest was the magnitude of grants and scholarships available to those women pursuing higher graduate degrees as well as to graduating high school seniors endorsed by local chapters. Chapter J continues to support these programs as well as P.E.O.’s Cottey College. S...

  • Books, books and more books

    DeAnna Tuttle|Oct 12, 2023

    There is nothing better than curling up with a good book, except perhaps getting together with other book lovers to talk about that book. And that is exactly what the Nelson Library Book Club does on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the library. Each month the group receives a requested number of the same book from the Nebraska Library Commission so all read the same book and are able to discuss their impressions of the subject matter, contents and presentation put forth by the author. Subjects have ranged from historical...

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