
I was reminded last week of a bit of history of the Lawrence community that seems to have been mainly lost over the years. It involves an action of Lawrence High School students during World War II.

More than 80 years ago, in the early years of WWII, after Pearl Harbor, “The Lawrence Locomotive” was not being printed on a regular (weekly) basis. As such, much of the local news was not being circulated. The students at the high school started putting together a “newspaper” which they called: “The Panther.”

I know from my days in this high school, we published a school newspaper which was circulated among the school students and personnel. At the time, I was not aware of the paper being circulated beyond the school, or community, boundaries.

Over the last 40 years, or so, I have come across references to this publication during the early 1940s from Lawrence area men who were in the military service during this time. Seems it was sent all over the U. S. and most likely all over the world. Where ever Lawrence area men were stationed during the war.

I’ve never seen a copy of the paper, nor ever talked to a veteran who received the paper.

Now, there are few area men still alive who might have firsthand information about this publication. As most of you know, the Lawrence American Legion lost the last WWII Legion member to death several years ago.

However, I also know family stories live long after death. I’m asking anyone with information about “The Panther” published in the early 1940s for military members from the Lawrence area to please contact me. I’d like to know more about it.

I’ve seen references to it in the “Locomotive” from time to time after the Ostdiek family purchased the paper. I’d like to see more about this publication for our military men back in the early 1940s.


Pain . . . and Agony . . . Well, maybe its pain mixed with pleasure.

I don’t know how many of you are baseball fans? I love Nebraska college baseball but don’t watch a whole lot of professional baseball.

I know it happens in all college sports, but last weekend was really tough for the Husker baseball fan. The Big Red defeated Maryland easily on Friday but suffered a really bad loss on Saturday. On Sunday, they played as good of a game as I’ve ever seen by the Huskers and won very easily.

What happened on Saturday?

Maybe just the time we have to wait for another game . . . a whole day for baseball. I guess it happens in football as well, and we have to wait a whole week before another game.

The baseball team is having a very good season this year and as bad as Saturday was, Sunday was equally as good.

Go Big Red.


I have written before about how “dumb, smart people” are used by the liberals to promote whatever issue they are currently promoting. You know, liberals have someone who may be an expert in a certain field (and rightly so) promote a different issue which they know little of, but they hope the average person will believe them because they are expert in a certain field, so they must know a lot about all fields.

Those people promoting “medical” care for young people concerning what they call “gender dysphoria” use this method of persuasion all the time.

However, as I’ve suggested many times, a Landmark study reveals ‘Transgender’ kids actually have other mental health diagnoses, instead.

The following includes a lot from a news release by the Heritage Foundation. Near the beginning of the information it states:

“Fresh off the heels of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics announcing it would not allow transgender-identified men to compete in women’s athletic events in any of its association’s 239 small private schools, a landmark study was released on Wednesday that defies the hysterical warning that if gender dysphoric adolescents don’t receive “gender affirming care,” they will kill themselves.

The new study from British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass confirms what we’ve always known: Children presenting with sudden onset gender dysphoria are actually suffering from other mental health diagnoses – not true gender dysphoria. Her research debunks the gender ideologues’ frequent talking point: that the imposition of medical “gender-affirming care” on mentally ill children is not only necessary, but life-saving.

Cass’ research instead reveals that children who think they are transgender disproportionately have mental health issue stemming from a difficult family situation or domestic abuse. They are also more likely to be neurodiverse and have a co-morbid autism spectrum disorder.”

A part of the news release is more easily understood and goes like this: “A Dutch study of 2,700 children revealed that a significant majority of gender-confused children grow out of that feeling by the time they are full grown adults. This newly published research tracked adolescents for over 15 years and found that gender confusion in children drastically decreased over time, supporting the argument that when children believe they are transgender, it is often nothing more than a passing sensation – and not indisputable fact.”

The ending thought included the following statement: “Gender-confused children have been lied to, and the adults who have lied to them must be held accountable.”

To me, it seems that the liberals have taken the same route as they did with the question of killing babies, “abortions.”

With abortions, liberals identified a problem. That being that with some people an additional child might bring on additional problems, but most of them not being life threatening, just problems to be solved. Some would look upon an additional child as an additional blessing to be enjoyed.

Anyone who has been around children often know they look after themselves first of all. If they think being transgender will get them something they don’t have now, they will surely try that route to obtain what they are missing.

Children are children and using drugs or surgeries to change them is not only wrong, but is a sin as well.

“Dumb smart people don’t help anyone when they step out of their arena of expertise.”



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