SHS girls basketball win streak hits 10

The Superior High School girls basketball team continues to win. The Wildcats dampened the Deshler Dragons 51-30 at Deshler last Tuesday. They added a 46-32 win over the Diller-Odell Griffins, at Odell, Friday, to extend their consecutive game win streak to 10 games. They opened Southern Nebraska Conference Tournament play at Superior, Tuesday, where they faced the winner of Monday's Sutton-Sandy Creek game. Results were unavailable at press time.

Superior faced a pesky Deshler team. The Dragons stayed close for the first two periods, trailing 23-18 at the half. Superior poured on the defense in the third quarter and outscored the Dragons 16-2 to put the game out of reach. Superior recorded a 51-30 win.

The Wildcats led Diller-Odell 27-21 at the half and were never in danger of losing the lead. Superior leading 37-30 headed into the fourth quarter, Superior ran up a 9-2 advantage to coast to a 46-32 win.

Sadie Cornell and Ella Gardner produced 17 points apiece for the Wildcats against Deshler. Halle Bargen and Laci Kirchhoff chimed in with six points each. Lilly Edwards and Ava Kirchhoff accounted for two points each. Faith Butler pulled away five rebounds. Bargen and Cornell took care of four rebounds apiece. Edwards snapped up three rebounds. Gardner and Madison Heusinkvelt grabbed two rebounds each. Edwards and Ariana Heusinkvelt snagged a rebound each.

Cornell hit for 12 points against Diiller-Odell. Bargen and Gardner provided 11 points apiece. Butler contributed six points. Laci Kirchhoff created five points. Ariana Heusinkvelt converted a free throw for one point. Bargen and Laci Kirchhoff hit the boards for 12 rebounds each. Butler provided eight rebounds. Gardner added seven rebounds. Ariana Heusinkvelt nailed down four rebounds.

Should the Wildcats, the number two seed at the SNC tournament, win as expected Tuesday, they will play Thursday, at Centennial High School in Utica. If they reach the championship game, Saturday, they would likely face off against Milford, the number one seed.

Superior will play Smith Center, Kansas, Monday, at Smith Center.


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