SHS girls golf

The Superior High School girls golf team kicked off their season at the Superior Country Club course, last Tuesday, when they hosted the Doniphan-Trumbull Cardinals with a nine-hole dual match.

Rayne Biltoft and Lauren Tietjen carded rounds of 59 for the event. Nadia McMeen finished with a round of 65 for the Doniphan-Trumbull match.

Superior visited Fairbury Monday and two of the members earned medals.

The match was played over the Fairbury Country Club course with mild temperatures prevailing.

Biltoft earned the sixth place medal with an 18-hole score of 94. Tietjen followed in seventh place with her round of 101. McMeen finished her round with a 125 on her card.

The team travels to Minden Friday. The Wildcats visit Fullerton Tuesday.


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