SHS girls golf

The Superior High School girls' golf team competed at the Fullerton Invitational last Tuesday. The 18-hole match was played over the Pawnee Hills Golf Course.

Nadia McMeen secured the 10th place individual medal with her round of 99. Rayne Biltoft used 109 strokes for her tour of the course. Lauren Tietjen reported a round of 110 on her scorecard.

The Wildcats played an 18-hole event at the Minden Invitational Friday. Biltoft picked up ninth place with her round of 99. Tietjen finished with a round of 114. McMeen was in with a round of 115.

Superior traveled to Crete Monday for a nine-hole dual match played over the College Heights Country Club course. Biltoft tied for first place with her round of 48. McMeen tied for second place with a round of 55. Tietjen was in a third place tie with her round of 57.

The Wildcats close out their regular season schedule today (Thursday) at the Centura Invitational being played over the Centura Hills Golf Club course at Cairo.

The team members will seek to qualify for a place at the state tournament when they compete in the District C-1 match being played over the Hidden Valley Country Club course at Lincoln. The match is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. The team members will attempt to qualify as individuals as there are not enough team members for a team score. Superior qualified as a team for the state championship the last two years.

The golfers will be vying for spots against players from Ashland-Greenwood, Auburn, Exeter-Milligan-Friend, Elmwood-Murdock, Fairbury, Heartland, Humboldt-Table Rock-Steinauer, Johnson County Central, host Lincoln Christian, Lincoln Lutheran, Palmyra, Platteview, Sutton, Syracuse and Tri County.


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