L-N volleyball season stats for 2023

The Lawrence-Nelson High School volleyball team finished the 2023 season with a 13-17 record. Their schedule was brutal with them playing the majority of their games against higher class schools. They were eliminated in the second round of sub-district play.

Kara Menke was the top Raider season killer with 260. Sydney Biltoft accounted for 216 kills. Hanna Skinner added 136 kills. Josie Hajny listed 40 kills Natalia Wehrman joined in with 35 kills for the season. Val Koehler and Claire Himmelberg recorded 10 kills each. Jessica Sole made four kills. Addi McCloskey was credited with three kills for the season.

Biltoft was the leading ace server with 44. Sole accounted for 27 aces. Skinner slipped thorugh 24 aces. Menke lined through 21 aces. McCloskey scored with 20 aces. Himmelberg sliced through eight aces. Koehler finished the season with six aces. Hadley Ostdiek served up three aces. Brook Combs scored with one ace.

Skinner led the diggers with 249. Menke lifted up 226 digs. Mc Closkey acquired 207 digs. Biltoft put away 176 digs. Koehler accounted for 154 digs. Sole finished her season with 150 digs. Himmelberg provided 56 digs. Wehrman produced 33 digs. Ostdiek finished with two digs while Epiphanae Lowery had one dig for the season.


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