SHS girls basketball

The Superior High School girls basketball team improved their record to 11-6 with victories over Deshler, 55-45, and Diller-Odell, 50-28, at Superior last Tuesday and Friday.

Superior opened the Southern Nebraska Conference Tournament against Milford, at Superior, Tuesday, with game results unavailable at press time.

Sadie Cornell led the Superior scoring list against Deshler with 19 points. She picked up two rebounds. Halle Bargen hit for 10 points and nabbed five rebounds. Reagan Meyers was good for 10 points and six rebounds. Ariana Heusinkvelt listed 10 points and three rebounds. Faith Butler added two points and picked up three rebounds. Madison Heusinkvelt scored two points and had a rebound.

The Wildcats will play Thursday and Saturday against opponents to be determined as conference play continues. Smith Center visits Superior Monday for a game.


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