L-N Lady Raiders split games last week

The Lady Raider basketball team at L-N was doing well recently earning a three game winning streak that included the last game of the tournament and two games after that. In that space of games, they scored their highest points of the season in two games, but saw the winning ways end.

The girls played four games in five days with two home games and two away games. The game summaries:

L-N – AXTELL: 40-28: For the second game in the three game winning streak Axtell came to visit, but had to go home with a loss added to their record. Score by quarter:

L-N 7 15 7 11 - 40

Axtell 7 6 4 11 - 28

3-pt. shots and free throws provided the victory margin in this game as L-N made 5 of 15 3-pt. shots with Addi having 2 and Sydney, Jessica and Vali each contributed one each. L-N made 15-30 free throws which is not outstanding, but was good enough to help provide a victory.

Game stats: (FG, FT, RB., Pts.)

Addi McCloskey 2-5, 0-2, 2, 6

Sydney Biltoft 1-4, 2-2, 1, 5

Brook-Combs-Glebe 0-1, 0-0, 2, 0

Jessica Sole 1-4, 2-4, 3, 5

Vali Koehler 1-5, 1-4, 0, 4

Hanna Skinner 2-5, 4-9, 8, 8

Kara Menke 3-8, 4-5, 8, 10

Josie Hajny 0-2, 2-4, 3, 2

L/N Total 10-34, 15-30, 30, 40

Axtell Total 10-43, 7-21, 30, 28

L-N – HARVARD: 45-35: A trip to Harvard provided the Lady Raiders the chance to record their most points in a game for the season. Now, Harvard is having a tough season, being win-less so far this year, but they did not give up as they out-scored L-N greatly in the final period.

L-N 13 18 7 7 - 45

Harvard 6 2 6 21 - 35

Coach Kennedy gave all 14 players on the roster a chance to experience varsity basketball in this game and all contributed in some way.

Statistics were pretty even across the board except in points scored from turnovers where L-N scored 29 points from Harvard's 28 turnovers.

Coach Kennedy limited the varsity starters. The most any one play was on the court was 20 minutes and that's just a little over two periods.

Game stats: (FG, FT, RB., Pts.)

Addi McCloskey 1-5, 1-2, 2, 4

Sydney Biltoft 1-9, 0-0, 4, 3

Brook-Combs-Glebe 1-4, 0-2, 5, 2

Jessica Sole 2-5, 0-2, 0, 5

Epiphanae Lowery 0-0, 0-0, 0, 0

Vali Koehler 2-3, 0-0, 5, 5

Hadley Ostdiek 1-3, 1-2, 0, 3

Hanna Skinner 0-1, 0-0, 0, 0

Kara Menke 2-4, 7-8, 5, 11

Josie Hajny 4-8, 0-0, 1, 8

Kynnedy Beale 0-0, 0-0, 1, 0

Natalia Wehrman 0-3, 0-0, 1, 0

Harley Beale 1-2, 0-0, 2, 2

Danyelle Church 1-6, 0-2, 6, 2

L/N Team Total: 16-53, 9-18, 39, 45

Harvard Total: 11-55, 12-20, 42, 35

L-N – KENESAW: 24-35: It's interesting to see how games progress and what helps provide margins of victory. A cold first two periods provided much to this loss as seen in the scores by quarters.

L-N 3 3 10 8 - 24

Kenesaw 4 11 8 12 - 35

Neither team could manufacture much offense in that first half of play, but Kenesaw was able to put enough defensive pressure on the Lady Raiders to build a lead they never gave up. This was a game a person could truly say was won at the charity stripe as Kenesaw made 16-27 free throws while L-N made 7-13. That nine point difference was most of the Kenesaw victory margin.

For some reason L-N was called for 23 personal fouls and had two girls foul out of the game.

Game stats: (FG, FT, RB., Pts.)

Addi McCloskey 0-3, 0-0, 2, 0

Sydney Biltoft 1-3, 3-6, 0, 5

Brook-Combs-Glebe 0-0, 0-0, 0, 0

Jessica Sole 1-13, 1-2, 6, 4

Vali Koehler0-1, 0-0, 0, 0

Hanna Skinner 0-2, 1-2, 3, 1

Kara Menke 6-13, 2-3, 8, 14

Kynnedy Beale 0-0, 0-0, 0, 0

Natalia Wehrman 0-0, 0-0, 0, 0

L-N Team Total: 8-45, 7-13, 25, 24

Kenesaw Total: 9-48, 16-27, 42, 35

L-N – SUPERIOR: 17-46: The last game of the regular season had neighboring Superior come to Nelson. The Class C-2 Superior is having another good season with a 16-7 record and held L-N to one of its lowest point productions of the season.

Again for this game technology glitches prohibited us from getting statistics. Sorry.


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